Version 1.2 "Fairy Lake" is Live!

Version 1.2 "Fairy Lake" is now Live!

A full changelog is at the bottom of this post.

Happy Friday! Technically. It's Friday somewhere.

As always, thank you everyone so much for your support. Big news!! We have, almost definitely, fingers crossed very tightly, fixed the rather big issue of the "Sad Story" patch. As such, we removed the Anti-Patch files from the build, and hope the game will run smoothly~. A big thank you goes to Kevin Turner for helping us debug and fix this issue! If you're still experiencing a bit of a problem, it's most likely the system requirements of the animations and transitions, so we recommend disabling transitions in the options for the duration of the segment.

In addition to that, we've touched up some bits and pieces of dialogue. A scene in Chapter 5 erroneously didn't check for some flags, so there was some repeated information/dialogue, another scene in Chapter 3 saved as Chapter 4, ho-hum-drum!

Now, the fun part! We've added a couple new screens to our Extras menu, "Notes" and "Credits". We've left a couple sentiments from our team members in the Notes section, and the Credits screen will let you scroll and appreciate all the wonderful humans who made Heart of the Woods what it is today. Thank you Adirosa for the beautiful designs, as always!

Have a great weekend!


  • Removed the Anti-Patch. Abigail's Story should now display correctly for all users, but if you're still experiencing performance hiccups, we recommend disabling transitions in the Options.
  • Added two new screens to the Extras Menu: "Notes" and "Credits"


  • Flag checks for some dialogue. No more repetition of events!
  • Save Name fixes to show the correct chapter in a couple scenes
  • The first screen of Abigail's Story doesn't try to generate a 20,005 x 57,880 texture - which was causing the "hiccups". (sweat emoji!)


HeartoftheWoods-PCLinux 1.2 GB
Version 1.2 Mar 02, 2019
HeartoftheWoods-Mac 1.1 GB
Version 1.2 Mar 02, 2019

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