Please Be Happy 1.1.2 — Improved performance, Steam Cloud support, and more!

Hello, everyone!

Please Be Happy 1.1.2 has just been released, which vastly improves performance and load times, adds Steam Cloud support, and more!

It also fixes a few minor issues that were either reported, or were found in testing.

As always, thank you for continuing to support Studio Élan!

〜 Karen/あけみ (akemin_dayo) and adirosa

Changelog for 1.1.2:

On PC, it targets Unity SDK version 2021.3.33f1.

New features

  • Added Steam Cloud save synchronisation!
  • Added new optimised asset loading behaviour to vastly improve performance and load times.
  • Completely reworked input handling in preparation for upcoming changes. Input bindings are now consistent with other Studio Élan games.
  • Completely reworked help screen to list all applicable input bindings.
  • Improved support for the Display P3 and DCI-P3 colourspaces.
  • The alternate graphics API launcher that was previously a separate download is now included.
  • Improved screenshot management.
  • Various internal refactors.

General improvements and bug fixes

  • Fixed all known input issues on all platforms by virtue of input handling being fully reworked.
  • Fixed an issue where certain preference pane tooltips would show incorrect information.
  • Fixed an issue where the title screen animation would not always work under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed some savescreen issues.
  • Fixed a typo in the artbook.

Scene-specific improvements and bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where some text was erroneously duplicated in Chapter 1 Scene 6.
  • Fixed an issue where Miho would take longer than intended to show up in Chapter 5 Scene 7.

Information for modders and dataminers

  • Scene scripts are currently still left in serialised binary format. This will change in a future update.
  • In general, Please Be Happy 1.1.2 is still not very modder or dataminer friendly. This will change in a future update. Thank you for your patience.

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