Please Be Happy 1.2

Hello, everyone!

Please Be Happy 1.2 has just been released, which fixes a few issues and makes various user experience and performance improvements.

Not too much has changed on the surface, but the game has undergone significant technical changes internally in 1.2 for a better experience now and into the future.

As always, thank you for continuing to support Studio Élan!

〜 Karen/あけみ (akemin_dayo) and adirosa

Changelog for 1.2:

On PC, it targets Unity SDK version 2021.3.33f1.

  • Improved ED video and audio quality.
  • Made further improvements to general performance.
  • Made improvements to the Episode Replay feature.
  • The current version of the game is now shown at the top-left corner of the main menu.
  • The main menu can now always be closed in every context (as opposed to only when ingame) using Escape, Right Click (MOUSE2), or the configured cancel button on a controller.
  • The quick menu can now be shown and hidden using Backspace or R3 on a controller.
  • The CG gallery viewer can now be controlled using a keyboard or controller.
    • Escape (keyboard) or the configured cancel button (controller) closes the CG viewer.
    • H (keyboard) or Triangle / Top Button (controller) hides the UI.
    • [ ] (keyboard) or L1 and R1 (controller) flips between pages, if applicable.
  • Fixed an issue where the Extras → Gallery screen would sometimes show the contents of the Credits screen instead, if a very specific set of steps were taken.
  • Fixed some minor UI layout issues.
  • Worked around a Unity bug that would cause the game to run locked at 30 FPS on certain system configurations.
  • Worked around a Unity bug that causes VSync to sometimes become momentarily disabled under certain circumstances, resulting in a spike of elevated GPU utilisation as a result of drawing frames at over 5000(!) FPS for a brief period of time.

Very technical information for modders, dataminers, and anyone else who may be interested

  • Scene scripts are currently still left in serialised binary format. This will change in a future update.
  • A new preferences file was added: ${Unity persistent data path}/com.vnstudioelan.pleasebehappy.json
  • PBH 1.2 is the largest update so far in terms of the number of non-external-user-facing internal changes — large portions of the code have been rewritten and/or refactored, and a whole lot of new code was written, too. Additionally, 1.2 also finished porting over everything that’s useful in Unity / C# from the shared Python codebase used by our Ren’Py games.
  • Much like Ren’Py, you can now call arbitrary method selectors using the developer console command @performSelector ExampleClass.exampleMethod withArgs:"optionalExample1","example2"
    • Shorthand form is @p a:
    • (※ This is mostly only useful for testing purposes during development, and is also far less powerful than its Ren’Py counterpart. Any relevant output is written to Player.log.)
  • Some of you may have noticed that partial controller support was quietly added in 1.1.2. Please note that UI menus are still not yet navigable using a keyboard or controller.
  • While support for controller prompts in the UI (including in the help screen) has been added, it is not yet exposed as a user-facing option, and currently requires a restart of the game to take effect if manually enabled either via editing the preference file mentioned above, or via the developer console.
    • This also applies to the confirmation button preference, which is currently not functional beyond just affecting the controller prompts UI.

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Please, update to 1.2 the GOG version, is still on 1.1!

Thank you!